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Freitag, Januar 19, 2007

Es Regnet (!!!)

Hmmm... Would you ever expect you need an umbrella in the middle of January when it should be below zero (especially when it's Epiphany, when one expects frost)? The fact is, that umbrellas and more or less wintercoats are a great combination for this season (which does not look like winter at all).
The strangest thing is that I do not trouble over it much though I love snow with all my heart... With this type of weather I love brown hues and tints all around , the wet tree branches, which glisten glossily in orange streetlight on dark wet mornings, this somewhat romantic gloom... Even though I feel sometimes that I need at least a glimplse of sunshine on my face

On such weather you can sit cosily with a cup of tea, thinking of all the "romantic gloom" outside ... with a book of poems or listening to "Es regnet" by Nena non-stop to enchance the rainy romantic feeling, or, otherwise, wonder around the town, enjoing the peculiar rainy light from outside, all those brouwn and grey hues and tints on the wet buildings, wet trees, wet pavement, wet louds on the wet sky...quoting something that passes to the moment...

When I was returning to the office after lunchtime I quoted "The Raven" by E.A. Poe (still remember the shortened version by heart!), aloud, (crazy me!) hiding under the old black umbrella (lost the pink pretty one this autumn :(() if I noticed someone too near to hear my crazy mublings. Otherwise I wouldn't have reached the office, too much rain and too little sunlight are too weakening combined with sitting at the computer all day long!

Following my rule "no post without a picture" I attach this one, because it passes in its colours to what is outside... Sleeping Beauty by Burn-Jones it is. And this rain does work a bit slumbery.

Heute regnets schon seit StundenHeute regnets ganzen TagHeute gehts den Rinnstein runterHeute geht es schwer bergabIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mirHeute wird die Welt gewaschenHeute wird die Erde nassAus den Tropfen werden TrnenAus den Trnen wird ein BachIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mirHeute geht es zu den GrtenHeute gehts in den KanalDabei bin ich eine PrinzessinAber das ist ganz egalIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mirIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mirIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mirIch fahr den Rinnstein runterin einem Schiff aus Zeitungspapierund mein Zinnsoldat, der keine Trne weintsteht neben mir

And again I feel too lazy to format the pasted songtext...

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