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Samstag, Februar 03, 2007

Regency Sketches

I finally decided to collect my Regency drawings of several years in one
post (some are from University notebooks and were done in very boring lectures!). I used film stills and photos for a couple, others are from my own imagination (definitely inspired by Jane Austen novels and films nevertheless)/. You'll probably recognize a couple of scenes from Jane Austen novels...

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow, it's great! By the way it's very funny to see the parts of your lecture notes on the drawings:)

Dornroeschen hat gesagt…

We had a Sociology teacher whos talk were a pure stream of consciousness, so there are more drawings than notes in my Sociology notebook! By the way, once he even looked into my notebook and said that the ladies heads a la Pushkin certainly had their merit but he could not understand why I drew the cake so big! Was it that his big size was associated with a big cake in my mind? I'm still puzzled over that question, he was a very special man, hard to be understood by non-philosophers.. All those impressions are so vivid I can hardly believe it was 3 years ago!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Now I can understand why you were so inspirated be his lectures to draw these scetches:)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey, if some day you decide to publish a book with your drawings I will be the first one to buy it, indeed!

Dornroeschen hat gesagt…

Stop it, Paula! Stop flattering me or I'll start believing what you say! However, I was going to send my works to Jane Austen's centre in Bath when the were looking for an illustrator for a Regency novella based on Northanger Abbey... I even got an encouraging response but failed to send anything to them because my computer was broken and it was at the time when I strarted my first job at the office here... It was stressful - was so disillusioned then! Well, I confess that I wish I could illustrate a book sometime, you hit the nail on the right head!