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Mittwoch, Mai 09, 2007

New drawings

Two new drawings: Grandmother King blue cup from A Story Girl again, and a lady in the garden (I don't particilarly like how the latter came out, but let it be here). Drawing seems to be the onlyy thing cheering me up because being ill with bronchitis almost three weeks will certainly affect your spirits at least a little

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

OMG, I seriously think you should be books-illustrator!:-)

Dornroeschen hat gesagt…

Maybe I I have some drawings published some day...
Thanks for your support!
BTW, I've seen the girls comments on Mary-Jane's forum where you posted my two LMM-related drawings!

Anonym hat gesagt…

I'm looking forward to have that book with your drawings in it! You bet!

Чорнильне серце hat gesagt…

Fantastic I like the Lady!
And I agree with Katie

Anonym hat gesagt…

:-) Нарру to hear that!

yours truly,